World Flags Quiz


What is World Flags Quiz

World Flags Quiz is a quiz game that tests your knowledge of flags from around the world. The game is played by guessing the name of the country that is associated with each flag that is shown to you.

How to play World Flags Quiz


The gameplay of World Flags Quiz is very simple. The game will show you a flag and you will have to guess the name of the country that it belongs to. You will be given a certain amount of time to guess the correct answer. If you guess correctly, you will move on to the next flag. If you guess incorrectly, you will lose a life. The game is over when you run out of lives.

Instructions for using mouse and keyboard when playing

You can use either your mouse or keyboard to play World Flags Quiz.

  • If you are using a mouse, you will need to click on the correct answer from the list of choices that is shown to you.
  • If you are using a keyboard, you will need to type the correct answer into the text box that is provided.

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